Facilitate adverse events reporting in Sri Lanka

Patient safety is a major concern for all healthcare providers. Are our hospitals as safe as we think they are? Vast number of misconducts, negligence and adverse events are recorded from these patient care institutions.

Globally, adverse event-reporting have become a central element in effective patient safety systems, though their growth and implementation have been slow. Consensus has grown that learning from such events is a critical component of creating safer healthcare systems at all levels.

In 2016 Directorate of healthcare quality and safety DHQS) introduced guidelines on adverse event reporting with the objective of facilitating the improvement or development of reporting systems that receive information that can be used to improve patient safety. The reporting system mainly focuses on the system failures. This reporting system is not to punish or find fault with any healthcare personnel but to improve the systems for a safe healthcare deliveryReporting was expected to facilitate learning and improve safety through:

  • Generation of "alerts" regarding significant new hazards
  • Dissemination of "lessons learnt" by health-care organizations from investigating a serious event.
  • Analysis of many reports which may reveal unrecognized trends and hazards requiring attention, create insights into underlying systems failures and generate recommendations for "best practices" for all to follow 

Reporting of Readmission

Hospital readmissions are a well-known problem in healthcare services worldwide.A readmission is defined as an unplanned subsequent hospital admission in the same or a different hospital within 30 days after discharge from hospital due to the same illness. It’s important to note that unplanned hospital readmissions may or may not be related to the previous visit, and some unplanned readmissions aren't preventable. However, unplanned hospital readmissions are a burden to the health sector.Tracking the number of patients who experience unplanned readmissions to a hospital is one category of data used to evaluate the quality of hospital care.

In 2016 Directorate of healthcare quality and safety (DHQS) introduced guideline and formatfor reporting of readmission with the objective of

  • To identify the causes for readmissions.
  • To reduce readmissions.